Saturday, October 2, 2010

Apa itu AUKU?

Seksyen 15C: Anggapan

15C. Presumptions.
In any prosecution under this Act-
(1) it shall not be necessary for the prosecution to prove that an organisation, body or group of persons possesses a name or that it has been constituted or is usually known under a particular name;
(2) where any books, accounts, writings, lists of members, seals, banners or insignia of, or relating to, or purporting to relate to, any organisation, body or group of persons are found in the possession, custody or under the control of any person, it shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that such person is a member of such organisation, body or group, and such organisation, body or group shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be in existence at the time such books, accounts, writings, lists of members, seals, banners or insignia are so found; and
(3) where any books, accounts, writings, lists of members, seals, banners or insignia of, or relating to, any organisation, body or group of persons are found in the possession, custody or under the control of any person, it shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that such person assists in the management of such organisation, body or group.

a) Di dalam peruntukan ini, terdapat sedikit kesongsangan apabila beban pembuktian (burden of proof – onus probandi) diletakkan di atas bahu pihak yang didakwa yang mana sepatutnya terletak pada bahu pihak pendakwa.

ini adlh salah satu drpd berpuluh2 percanggahan yg berlaku dlm peruntukan ini. Nota ini adalah hasil dr kertas kerja subjek Perhubungan Etnik yg bertajuk percanggahan antara dua undang2.
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